Monday, 25 July 2011

What to Expect from Domination

Domination is the next big release for Hordes, and as such, I am very looking forward to this release. It stands i the series next to Warmachines Superiority, which had the big releases of Cavalry as well as the third epic caster. Each faction also got some well know character solos like Kovnik Joe and Bane Lord Tartarus. Obviously we know some things, and others are just pure rumors/speculation.

I think there will be 8 releases per faction, I could be wrong, and am very likely to be.

What we know:

Skorne will be getting two new casters:
Naaresh, who has been spoilt already, and whose miniature is on the Privateer Press Website
Epic Hexeris, about whom not much is know other than the artwork, in which it looks like he is keeping his weapon Gulgata, and his armor is getting a slight upgrade.

Also we will be getting our Battle Engine, like trolls, circle and legion.
For us it is a Massive dinosaur with a howdah, containing a Venator Cannon(dual) a platform for fighting off and a rased position for a Horn Blower. Apart from the Howdah the dinosaur has a massive hammer like tail, which could give it some back side defenses.

We are also getting a new Warbeast, which looks like a Terradactyl! This is from the Monsternomicon, or could well be.

This is obviously a WIP

So thats what is know!

Now for some SPECULATION

Right so presuming that there are 4 more releases for skorne, what could that mean for us, and what are we missing that our warmachine comrades already own.

I would say number one on the list is a character unit, as legion of everblight got one of those and not a warlock attachment. I would think it only to be fair for us to get one.

Secondly a second character beast, this time a light, Seeing as most factions in warmachine own 5 now(2 heavy and 1 light and the 2 new wrath ones) I think we've got some catching up to do. Maybe an Exotoller Cyclops who has adopted zaals way of life and works closely with him? Or a drake so potent its a one of a kind. 

Thirdly, a new UA for a unit. This I think because trolls have had theirs even released, which might I add looks fantastic. I could only imagine some cool ones:
- Karax UA giving reform?
- Nihilator UA giving them something like silence?
- Or possibly for any of our other units

Now for the last entry I am not so sure. There is one main contender : Solo. Why? because we'd be getting 2 new beasts 2 new casters 2new unit additions 1 battle engine, why not a solo? My thought a Chataphracs Solo, and this solely for the fact that Xerxis tier allows Chataphracs solos, which we don't have.

What ever we get, I think it only cool and right if we got a new character just to mix up the game a bit more, and please remember this is wishlisting and speculation, and not confirmed from pp or any reliable sources, just me pondering about what we could get!

What do you guys think? Reasonable? I for one hope for some cool surprises with Domination and more Excellent and High Quality products from PP


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