Sunday, 31 July 2011

Weekend Madness

So I am moving house tomorrow (going to live in Nots) and overall the past few days have been pretty intense!

However for the love of wargaming i managed to get a few hours in with kenny to play some battles.

First we played a game with pMorghoul vs pDenny.

My List:
Min Beast Handlers

Kennys List:
Skarlock Thrall
Max Bane Thralls with UA
Warwitch siren

So I went first, and deployed all my models, and then kenny deployed most of his stuff.

My First Turn.
I ran up most models, and some advanced, using rush from the savage and safeguard from the brute. My savage went onto the right flank and the rest of the army went central.

Kennys First Turn.
He ran most things up, and got the deathjack into the woods in the centre and an arc node either side.

My Second Turn.
My rhinodon took up the left flank, most things shuffled round in the middle, morghoul put admonition on himself and abused the savage. The pain givers enraged the savage, who then wrecked the right hand side arcnode.

Kennys Third turn.
Everything advanced in his main army. Then an arnode advanced towards my bronzeback (at this point i forgot countercharge, which cost me the game, first time playing him and all) He used denny to crippling grasp my bronzeback, which then got eaten by the Deathjack.

My Third Turn.
So deathjack in my face, i thought i could get to denny. After drawing in my fury, my savage frenzied, ran towards the warwitch and missed... He was now outside my control area. I used the titan gladiator to push my rhinodon an inch forward, who then got abused, enraged and rushed. Morghoul put admonition on himself, the brute safeguard on morghoul, and then the rhinodon trampled(i chose rush over amuk, not a good idea) I Trampled him taking out 4 banes including the UA dude who gives tough :). The freestrikes killed another 2 banes and droped some health on my rhinodon.  then went to buy an attack on denny and was 1 inch out.... worse even if i hadnt rushed 3 more banes had of died, and i would have been in reach range of denny... o well. So that failed.

Kennys Third Turn.
So kenny then use some banes to take the woods and 3 to finish of the rhinodon. The withershadow advanced and did 3 damage to the TG. The deathjack charged morghoul who hopped out the way, however he made it withing 1/2inch of my shaman who then bit the dust... Using some extra souls he used influence of the Deathjack to kill my paingiver leader. The warwitch took a bit of my savage, but nothing essential after the skarlock crippling grasped him.

My Fourth Turn.
So it was time for some action. I leached in my fury, and activated the brute. He had already done some damage to the DJ on a freestrike and put a further 3 on him, and Safeguarded morghoul once more. Now morghoul abused the titan gladiator and charged the banes in the wood, and killed the 3 there. Now he used admonition on himself and popped his feat. Then sprinted onto the arcnode. The savage frenzied again and chopped the warwitch in two! The titan gladiator the turned the deathjack into deathscrap.

Kennys Fourth Turn.
1 bane reached morghoul did 14 damage, which i transfered to the brute, after denny popped her feat. She camped all her focus, and the withershadow did another 4 damage to the savage. The skarlock crippled the savage and that was turn.

My Fifth Turn.
I tried to kill the arcnode with my brute, and only damaged a few movement boxes. Then i used Morghoul and the titan to finish of the banes. The savage frenzied and ran back into control area.

Kennys Fifth Turn.
So he walked up with denny and put crippling grasp on the titan and did 8 damage with the withershadow. He  also put some damage on the brute killing it with a venom.

My sixth turn.
I abused and rushed the gladiator and the savage walked 4 after a crippling grasp of denny. The titan then attempted to kill denny and inflicted 12 damage... missed two attacks by 1 to little of the dice roll.

Kenny sixth turn.
He allocated 3 to the arcnode, and used the 4 on denny to know everything down with scourge. The arcnode then forfitted its movement and got up. Then he used his attacks and finished of morghoul who killed his titan with transfers untill there was nothing left.

This was a really good game. We both made some mistakes and in the end it was to dark to carry on really, as we played outside.


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