Wednesday, 24 August 2011
Battle Report
Wednesday evening in Hull.
So this wednesday i was in Hull to visit a friend. While there, we went to visit Hulls Angels, a nice friendly gaming community with some
great terrain and access to templates for scenarios and all for £2(1 if your a student)
First off I played a quick game versus Matt, who ran pGoreshade, and I ran Dominar Rasheth, for whom this was a pretty poor match up. I won the roll of and went second.
My List:
Dominar Rasheth
Min Posse
Min Paingiver Beast Handlers
Min Bone Grinders
Paingiver Task Master
Tier 2
25 points
His list was:
Goreshade the Bastard
Max Banethralls
Gorman DiWulfe
26 points
He deployed quickly, by placing his banethralls to the left of goreshade his jacks to the right, and AD the deathjack.
I placed my titans centrally, the posse to my right, the bone grinders and beasthandlers behind them with rasheth in the middle. the agonizer between titans and posse and the task master right behind the posse.
He went first moved up, and grouped up ready for a good early hit.
I went second. Got the gators forward 9 inches and gave them tough. Use the gladiator to rush the bronzeback and slam forward. The bronzeback riled for 3 and ran. The paingivers walked up behind but doing nothing else. The agonizer moved up. Then the trixi ness began. The bonegrinders activated 3 shuffeling behind the titans and one running withing 5 inches of the banethralls, using the t2 bonus. Rasheth activated and used the bonegrinder to place a nice scather in the banes and killing one aswell. furthermore he put some fury into the agonizer leaving him on 2 fury.
Matts second turn, he realied that a charge would most likely fail, and would cost him several banes, so he just shuffeled his army to the right, took a pot shot at the posse with the harrower doing 7 damage to one posse and ended his turn.
My second turn arrived and it began with the posse getting +2 strength and charging the harrower, dropping it to 4 boxes. Then the paingivers enraged the bronzeback and the titan rushed it. The bonegrinders gave rasheth some range, who then used one of the gators to bloodmark the DJ as well as using his fury to top of the agonizer. Next the bronzeback activated and charged the deathjack, used his animus, and proceeded to
go to town and charged attack and first inital hit, doing a fair bit, however due to him be affected by Death ward all his systems were untouched. I rolled the second initial and missed... bought 2 more attacks, of which the first missed aswell, boosted the last and trashedthe jack. I looked at the model, and i couldnt figure what i had missed, ended my turn, not satisfied... BEATBACK... there i was hoping for a chain attack, when all i wanted was beatback to goreshade and pummel him... damn me and my stupid brain...
Matts second turn began with him looking rather grim. He used all his banes to put my bronzeback down to 1 health and my gladiator down to 6 his harrower try to thresher without avail, and he finally the moved goreshadeback popped both mageblight and his feat, and passed back to me.
I looked at my cards for a minute, and new that the banes had to die... I used rasheth to heal both beasts back up, then healed with the paingivers and used the bonegrinders to get a nice back channel next turn. The bronzeback then activated, used train wrecker on himself and started with his initials, killing bane after bane, however 2 missed attacks left him on 4 fury by the time he reached goreshade, who only took 6 damage of the massive beast. The titan gladiator initiated a trample and out of the 8 banes it had to kill, killed 3... i was guttet as well as no being able to target goreshade by 1/2" worth of arc... I used on gator to finish of the harrower, and 3 banes, that the bronzeback hadnt killed.
He activated and used his banes to kill a gator and the bronzeback, and used gorshade to finish off the gladiator, most of my hitting power was gone... He camped on 4 focus and then passed back to me.
I knew it was now or never. I spammed a massiv aoe at him, and killed the deathwalker and put corrosion on goreshade, but did no damage... bad dice strike again. I leave my self on some fury, use the posse and kill the last banes. Only gorman left...but he is untouchable, by all my beasthandlers who are now trying to kill him...
Matt now then activates and kills the remaining posse withgoreshade, and then camps on 5 focus...
I activate the bonegrinders, who give rasheth the range, who then puts 3 sunder spirits onto goreshade, who is left with 3 boxes... I've already cut myself for 3 and leeched the agonizer dry... I look at matt and tell him his won. He looks perplexed
He activates goreshade, with max fury walks over to rasheth, my free strikes do nothing... all the anatomical precision in the world... and he's undead... He kills rasheth with ease, and I realize that non livin lists give rasheth to much of a hard time to make him my caster for the ETC next year.
We shake hands and laugh, we both had a good time. I really like the bronzeback, he just has somemany awesome things, even though his mat 7 let me down, and me forgetting beatback... screwed me over even more.
Sorry for the late posting... I've had 3 weeks without the internet, and plenty of uni work to do...
Ill try and post things more regularly
Battle Report,
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