Tuesday 26 July 2011

More Spoilers!

So I saw this thread earlier this morning, and it is highly interesting link

It shows certain pieces of artwork for other factions.

Firstly a Lightning Troll, which would give the trolls the final elemental troll, however it is unknown if it is a heavy or light troll. One of the staff mentioned her wrist hurting after holding the model for a while which could indicate a heavy, however this is just speculation, but it would go with the 50mm base seen on the Skornadactyl. In its artwork it is holding a long lightning rod Zeus Style, which might give it a short range attack like the impaler, possibly with electro leap? Maybe an Static animus granting electric immunity and electro leap, which would follow the other 3 elemental trolls, and makes trolls better against high def, and allowing them to target high def solos behind jack and beast quite easily like cygnar with their storm stuff.

Secondly a worm like legion creature. It has carnivean/raek type head and a wormish body/neck with has loads of little scythean arms, a bit like a Zoanthrope from GW... Go figure, no idea, might just be a rip off razor worm, to give legion bombshelter, which would make striders/hexhunters even better, and the rest of there choices not quite so bad.

Also there is a new artwork portraying an Albino(white and red eyes) Argus Hound! Could it be a character light warbeast for the Circle of Orobos? which could confirm my speculation about each faction getting a character light. However, it could just be new artwork for a re-sculpt like for the Gorax, and more is yet to be found out...

And Finally a picture containing a Griffin in Circle armor, which could also be a new heavy warbeast, like our Skornadactyl, meaning that quite a few factions will have access to a flying warbeast, which might leave the trollbloods without one, which would make sense...

For more information visit the thread and check it out!

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